Copyright (c) 2021 chasyumen
MIT Licensed
'use strict'
const http = require('http');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require("fs");
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
const GetFileType = require("./GetFileType/index.js");
const serveIndex = require("./serve-index-1.9.1-modded.js");
const safeurl = require("./util/safe-url.js");
const Events = {
DEBUG: "debug",
REQUEST: "request",
REQUEST_LOG: "requestlog"
}; // extends EventEmitter
* WebServer's options.
* @typedef WebServer~WebServerOptions
* @type {object}
* @property {object} [options]
* @property {Number} [options.port=3000] - Port to host the page.
* @property {string} [options.directory=./public/] - The directory to load the file.
* @property {boolean} [options.serveindex=false] - If it's true, return the file list of the directory when the directory was requested. (If index.html exists in the directory, it will be sent preferentially)
* @property {boolean} [options.acceptonlyget=true] - Only accepts get request.
* @property {boolean} [options.useindexhtml=true] - If it's true, returns ./index.html file when requested directory.
* @property {string} [options.rootfile=/index.html] - You can specify a file to load as a top page. (Please specify files in the published directory.)
* @property {object} [options.errordocument]
* @property {string} [options.errordocument._404=`${__dirname}/assets/def_pages/404.html`] - Html file path to respond on the request methods other than GET.
* @property {string} [options.errordocument._405=`${__dirname}/assets/def_pages/405.html`] - Html file path to respond on not found.
* @example <caption>All Options Example</caption>
* const { WebServer } = require("lite-web-server");
* var server = new WebServer({
* port: 3000, //port
* directory: "./public", //directory to publish
* serveindex: false, //disable serve-Index feature.
* acceptonlyget: true, //returns 405 to the request with method other than GET.
* useindexhtml: true, //returns /index.html on that directory when the directory was requested.
* rootfile: "/index.html", //the file that is used as the home page.
* errordocument: {
* _404: `./public/404.html`, //File path to use as a 404 error page.
* _405: `./public/405.html`, //File path to use as a 405 error page.
* }
* });
* Create a WebServer.
* @constructor
* @param {WebServer~WebServerOptions} [options] - WebServer Options.
* @returns {WebServer}
* @example <caption>Simple example</caption>
* const { WebServer } = require("lite-web-server");
* var server = new WebServer();
* server.start();
* @example <caption>Options Example</caption>
* const { WebServer } = require("lite-web-server");
* var server = new WebServer({
* port: 3000, //port
* directory: "./public", //directory to publish
* serveindex: false, //disable serve-Index feature.
* acceptonlyget: true, //returns 405 to the request with method other than GET.
* useindexhtml: true, //returns /index.html on that directory when the directory was requested.
* rootfile: "/index.html", //the file that is used as the home page.
* errordocument: {
* _404: `./public/404.html`, //File path to use as a 404 error page.
* _405: `./public/405.html`, //File path to use as a 405 error page.
* }
* });
class WebServer extends EventEmitter {
constructor(opts) {
this.opts = run(opts);
function run(options) {
if (options) {
if (!options.errordocument) {
options.errordocument = {};
var error_doc404 = options.errordocument._404 || `${__dirname}/../assets/def_pages/404.html`;
var error_doc405 = options.errordocument._405 || `${__dirname}/../assets/def_pages/405.html`;
var logmode = options.logmode || 1;
try {
var _404 = fs.readFileSync(error_doc404);
} catch (error) {
console.error(new Error(`Invalid 404 error file location "${error_doc404}". Default location will used.`));
options.errordocument._404 = `${__dirname}/../assets/def_pages/404.html`;
try {
var _405 = fs.readFileSync(error_doc405);
} catch (error) {
console.error(new Error(`Invalid 405 error file location "${error_doc405}". Default location will used.`));
options.errordocument._405 = `${__dirname}/../assets/def_pages/405.html`;
if ((!logmode == 1||logmode == 2||logmode == 3)) {
console.error(new Error(`Invalid log mode specified. It must be 1, 2 or 3.`));
options.logmode = 1;
return options;
* @returns {Promise<Object | null>}
start() {
this.emit(Events.DEBUG, `Starting the server...`, {type: "message", message: "Starting the server..."});
var _this = this;
return new Promise(async function (resolve, reject) {
var opt = _this.opts;
if (!opt) {
var options = {
directory: "./public",
serveindex: false,
port: 3000,
acceptonlyget: true,
useindexhtml: true,
rootfile: "/index.html",
logmode: 1,
logtimezone: 0,
errordocument: {
_404: `${__dirname}/../assets/def_pages/404.html`,
_405: `${__dirname}/../assets/def_pages/405.html`
} else {
var _dir = opt.dir || opt.directory || "./public";
if (_dir == "/") {
var __dir = ".";
} else if (_dir.endsWith("/")) {
var __dir = _dir.slice(0, -1);
} else {
var __dir = _dir;
if (__dir.startsWith("/")) {
var dir = "." + __dir;
} else {
var dir = __dir;
if (opt.acceptonlyget === false) {
var acceptonlyget = false;
} else {
var acceptonlyget = true;
if (opt.useindexhtml === false) {
var useindexhtml = false;
} else {
var useindexhtml = true;
if (opt.serveindex === true) {
var serveindex = true;
} else {
var serveindex = false;
if (typeof opt.logtimezone == "number") {
var logtimezone = opt.logtimezone*3600*1000;
} else {
var logtimezone = 0;
if (!opt.errordocument) {
opt.errordocument = {};
var options = {
directory: dir || "./public",
serveindex: serveindex,
port: opt.port || 3000,
acceptonlyget: acceptonlyget,
useindexhtml: useindexhtml,
rootfile: opt.rootfile || "/index.html",
logmode: opt.logmode || 1,
logtimezone: logtimezone,
errordocument: {
_404: opt.errordocument._404 || `${__dirname}/../assets/def_pages/404.html`,
_405: opt.errordocument._405 || `${__dirname}/../assets/def_pages/405.html`
try {
var dir = await fs.readdirSync(options.directory);
} catch (error) {
reject(new Error(`Please create directory "${options.directory}" first.`));
try {
var httpserver = http.createServer(async function (req, res) {
var timestamp = Date.now()+options.logtimezone;
var date = new Date(timestamp);
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
var _month = (date.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString();
if (_month.length == 1) {
var month = "0"+_month.toString();
} else {
var month = _month;
var _day = date.getUTCDate().toString();
if (_day.length == 1) {
var day = "0"+_day.toString();
} else {
var day = _day;
var _hour = date.getUTCHours().toString();
if (_hour.length == 1) {
var hour = "0"+_hour.toString();
} else {
var hour = _hour;
var _minute = date.getUTCMinutes().toString();
if (_minute.length == 1) {
var minute = "0"+_minute.toString();
} else {
var minute = _minute;
var _second = date.getUTCSeconds().toString();
if (_second.length == 1) {
var second = "0"+_second.toString();
} else {
var second = _second;
var _milli = date.getUTCMilliseconds().toString();
if (_milli.length == 2) {
var milli = "0"+_milli.toString();
} else if (_milli.length == 1) {
var milli = "00"+_milli.toString();
} else {
var milli = _milli;
if (options.logmode == 1) {
var parsed_date = `${month}/${day}/${year} ${hour}:${minute}:${second}.${milli}`;
} else if (options.logmode == 2) {
var parsed_date = `${year}/${month}/${day} ${hour}:${minute}:${second}.${milli}`;
} else if (options.logmode == 3) {
var parsed_date = `${hour}:${minute}:${second}.${milli}`;
var returns = `[${parsed_date} REQUEST_LOG] ${req.method} | ${req.url}`;
var detail = {
method: req.method,
url: req.url,
requestedAt: date,
requestedAtTimestamp: Number(timestamp.toString().slice(0, -3)),
raw: returns
* Emits when the client sent a request to the server.
* But you cannot respond to the request from this event.
* @fires WebServer#requestlog
_this.emit(Events.REQUEST_LOG, detail);
if (!(req.method.toUpperCase() == "GET") && options.acceptonlyget == true) {
try {
var read_file = await fs.readFileSync(options.errordocument._405).toString();
res.writeHead(405, { "Content-Type": "text/html" });
return res.end(read_file);
} catch (error) {
res.writeHead(500, { "Content-Type": "text/html" });
return res.end("<center><h1>Internal Server Error</h1></center>");
var _url = decodeURIComponent(req.url).slice(1);
var url = safeurl("/"+_url);
if (url == "/") {
var filedir = `${options.directory}${options.rootfile}`;
} else if (url.endsWith("/") && options.useindexhtml) {
var filedir = `${options.directory}${url}index.html`;
} else {
var filedir = `${options.directory}${url}`;
var custom_mode = false;
if (custom_mode == false) {
try {
var httpcontent = (await GetFileType(filedir.toString())) || "text/plain";
var file = await fs.readFileSync(filedir);
res.setHeader("x-powered-by", "lite-web-server");
res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": httpcontent });
} catch (error) {
try {
try {
var _loaddirurl = options.directory + "/";
if (url.endsWith("/")) {
var __loaddirurl = _loaddirurl
try {
fs.readdirSync(_loaddirurl + url.slice(1))
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error)
} else {
try {
fs.readdirSync(_loaddirurl + url.slice(1))
if (url+"/" == `${url}/`) {
res.writeHead(302, { location: `${url}/`, });
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error)
//var loaddirurl = _loaddirurl + "/"
var loaddirurl = `${__loaddirurl}`
try {
if (options.serveindex === false) {
var read_file = await fs.readFileSync(options.errordocument._404).toString();
var file = read_file.replace(/<!--\${404URL}-->/g, `${url}`);
res.writeHead(404, { "Content-Type": "text/html" });
var serveindex = serveIndex(loaddirurl, { icons: true, view: "details" });
serveindex(req, res, url);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error)
} catch (error) {
var read_file = await fs.readFileSync(options.errordocument._404).toString();
var file = read_file.replace(/<!--\${404URL}-->/g, `${url}`);
res.writeHead(404, { "Content-Type": "text/html" });
} catch (error) {
res.writeHead(500, { "Content-Type": "text/html" });
res.end("<center><h1>Internal Server Error</h1></center>");
} else {
//this.emit(Events.REQUEST, (req, res, primary_html, primary_status_code));
_this.running = httpserver;
_this.started = true;
} catch (error) {
reject(new Error(error));
module.exports = WebServer
* Debug messages.
* @event WebServer#debug
* @type {object}
* @property {string} - Debug log message.
* @example
* server.on("debug", msg => console.log(msg))
* WebServer request event for logging.
* @event WebServer#requestlog
* @type {object}
* @property {WebServer~WebServerRequestLog}
* @example
* server.on("requestlog", requestlog => console.log(requestlog.raw))
* @typedef WebServer~WebServerRequestLog
* @type {object}
* @property {object} options
* @property {Number} options.method - The method that used on request.
* @property {string} options.url - Requested URL.
* @property {object} options.requestedAt - Requested time object.
* @property {Number} options.requestedAtTimestamp - Requested time in timestamp.
* @property {string} options.raw - The string can be used for the output directly.